- Small Mushroom Air Cushion: Mushroom Head air cushion BB Cream contains a stretch (mushroom shape) puff, which makes the base easier and faster and creates a light and breathable base. 360° no dead ends, fine and soft three-dimensional touch swells, more suitable for the whole face.
- BB Cream Cover Naturally Skin Defects: hide pores and create a natural moisturising makeup. DURABLE – I don’t like the general CC cream foundation. This moisturising foundation is a perfect make-up for 12 hours or longer and a good oil water balance. It has excellent oil control and never feels greasy.
- Mushroom Head Sponge: with a highly elastic beauty sponge, it is softer than conventional air cushions and becomes larger and softer when exposed to water, and the make-up is more natural. It can provide you with perfect make-up, avoid make-up waste and can be worn with you.
- How To Use – Turn the lid to open the protective film,lightly wet the mushroom head puff with clean water, It needs to be a little damp but not wet. And taking a proper amount of foundation, a small number of evenly pressed makeup until fully covered and an even tone is achieved.
- There are two colours available that are suitable for a variety of skin types: ivory white to brighten the complexion, creating a translucent moisturising nude makeup. Natural colour suitable for a yellowish, darker complexion and creates natural, moisturising, nude makeup.
How to use
1. After opening the cover, tear off the seal sticker and the visible bionic elastic film.
2. Use a small three-dimensional mushroom burst and gently press the appropriate amount of material, a small amount evenly on the face.
3. The order of makeup from top to bottom, evenly from inside to outside to create flawless, watery skin.
4. In areas where local sputum is required, the change can be pressed several times.
Ivory White
Suitable for white complexion moisturizing and nourishing
Natural Color
Suitable for yellowish and dark complexion to create natural moisturizing nude makeup
1. Nach dem Öffnen des Deckels die Abdeckfolie entfernen. 2. Verwenden Sie eine kleine dreidimensionale Pilz-Druckpuff und drücken Sie vorsichtig die richtige Menge Material, eine kleine Menge gleichmäßig auf das Gesicht. 3. Die Reihenfolge des Make-ups von oben nach unten, gleichmäßig von innen nach außen, um eine makellose, wasserähnliche Haut zu erzielen. 4. In Bereichen, in denen lokales Spucken erforderlich ist, kann der Druck mehrfach geändert werden. Ivory White Für weiße Haut geeignet, um zu befeuchten und zu pflegen Natürliche Farbe Für gelbliche und dunkle Haut geeignet, um ein natürliches, befeuchtendes nacktes Make-up zu erzielen
- Verpackungsabmessungen : 8 x 8 x 7,7 cm; 90 Gramm
- Hersteller : TOYHHO
- Herstellerreferenz : 1
- Herkunftsland : China
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